Friday, September 3, 2010

Human rights abuses in Iran escalate

03 September 2010

Human rights defenders reported that 500 person were executed in Iran in the last two months. Thousands others are currently on death row.

Human rights defenders reported that 500 person were executed in Iran in the last two months. Thousands others are currently on death row.

Iranian regime which is notorious for prosecuting women for inappropriate headscarf, lashing convicts and also chopping off their arms for theft is also notorious for public executions.

While the western world is focusing on uranium enrichment programme and the hostile statements of the Iranian president Ahmedi Nejat is almost ignoring other human rights violations face by the people.

Recent protests staged by the civil initiatives abroad were barely supported by the state officials. After the campaign for Sakine Ashtiyani who was sentence to death by stoning now another campaign against death penalty is dedicated to 18-year old Ibrahim Hamidi who is sentenced to death on account of being homosexual. However with these campaigns the other thousand of prisoners who face the same fate with Ashtiyani and Hamidi. The situation is interpreted as "only single trees are trying to be saved where as the rest of the forest left to burn down."

The international media also fails to cover the truth in the country. In terms of human rights abuses and execution they find the official figures sufficient whereas the international organisations report that the official figures are less then the real number. Human rights organisations also state that political prisoners are being executed for fake accusations like sodomy, child abuse and narcotics.

Recent statistics from human rights organisations indicate that the number of the prisoners who were executed in the last 2 months exceeds 500. For instance, the wekly numbers of executions in Vekil-Abad prison is reported to be between 60-70. It is also reported that 250 thousand other prisoners in 150 different prisons across the country are under risk of death penalty. The average age of the executed prisoners is under 28.

Extrajudicial killing and suspicious death incidents in custody are also ignored by the international media. According to ANF records in the first six months of 2010 at least 8 prisoners lost their life in a suspicious way in Urmiye prison in East Kurdistan.

It is reported that there are at least 18 Kurdish political prisoners under the risk of being executed. Two female prisoners are also reported to be among them.

Iranian forces also kill the Kurdish villagers who are transporting good from South Kurdistan. According to ANF records since 2009 at least 52 Kurds were shot death while trying to cross the border, 6 of them were killed in August 2010.