Monday, October 11, 2010

Statement on 48th Anniversary of Extraordinary discrimination against Syrian Kurd


On October05, 1962 Syrian authorities divided more than hundred thousand Kurds randomly and arbitrary in two categories:

1- Registered records named foreign records Hasakah governate,
2-Not registered in any formal records called (Maktomi)

The number of victims of this extraordinary unfair racial policy by the Syrian Ba’ath regime has increased to almost 300,000 today. These victims are banned from exercising their civil, social, economic, cultural, and political rights. They are denied the opportunity to be employed, educated, own a home, and participate in public life. These people suffer from injustice, poverty, and feel alienated and homeless in their homeland.

Forty eight years has passed, yet these Kurds in Syria continue to be denied a nationality. The Syrian authorities insist not to address the negative impacts of their painful, unjust, and discriminatory policy. The regime is in clear violation of the article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Right of 10 December 1948 which provides that everyone shall have the right to a nationality.

We at the Kurdish National Congress of North America call upon all political actors and civil and human rights organizations and personalities for solidarity with the Kurdish victims in Syria. We appeal to the international community to intervene, and pressure the Syrian regime to return to the victims their citizenship and compensate them for the suffering and deprivation for many years.
