Kurdish women demonstrate on August 11, 2009 on behalf of jailed Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan, asking for an end to the conflict between Turkish security forces and Kurdish rebels in Turkey?s southeast region. AFP/File/Adem Altan
By Salah Bayaziddi
The Kurdish Globe
In the so called post-Cold War era, the spread of nationalism and the rise of ethnic conflicts appear to be the major source of insecurity and instability in the world.
Considering the multi-ethnic structure of the most Third World countries and given their persisting economic crisis, uneven economic development, and acute socio-political difficulties, a further intensification of ethnic conflicts seems very likely in the future. At the moment it seems that the most probable scenario for ethnic conflict lies in the dissatisfaction of stateless nationalism from the present international order. Indeed, factors that govern the degree and depth of the danger posed by the revival of these types of nationalism clearly indicate that they are a major threat to international peace because their accommodation requires greater and more disruptive geographical change. Since the present international system is not favourable to dramatic changes, stateless nationalism can produce war of secession, which in turn could develop into major international wars.