Tuesday, August 17, 2010

US to establish diplomatic offices in Arbil and Kirkuk

17 August 2010

New American offices to open in Kuridstan as well as in Iraq

The United States is planing to establish a consulate in capital of Federal Kurdistan Region, U.S. officials said on Monday. There are also plans to open an embassy branch office in Kirkuk and Mosul.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Michael Corbin told in a press briefing that U.S. consulates are being established in Arbil as well as Basra, Umm Qasr.

The embassy branch offices in Mosul and Kirkuk will remain open for three to five years.

"There are issues in Kirkuk and in Mosul that have not only to do with Arab-Kurd issues, but also Iraq's minorities, the Yazidis and Christians, and we want to be able to address their issues." Corbin said.