Erbil – The Kurdish opposition party Change (Gorran) says the electrician shortage will not be solved by the Kurdistan Regional Government reports Sbeiy.
Gorran MP Abdullah Mela Nuri warns that the Kurdish cabinet doesn’t have a scientific plan to solve the Electricity shortage. “One of problems, is that the Ministry of Planning doesn’t listen to the Ministry of Electricity.” Another reason Nuri says, is the lack of budget for the Ministry of Electricity.
In September last year, it became known that the Dutch company Mainwind BV will set up windmills. Currently there are two of them. After evaluation, there is a possibility that the Kurdish government will buy more of them, says the company. Big parts of Iraqi Kurdistan are dealing with a daily electricity shortage.
In terms of the provinces of all of Iraq, the Kurdish provinces of Sulaymaniya, Erbil (and Basra, Diyala) are the best in Iraq supplying electricity, meeting anywhere from 83% to 99% of demand. That’s because those governorates either have their own power plants or import large amounts from Iran. The KRG also opened two new private plants and imports electricity from Iran and Turkey, but there is still a lack of electricity for in the winter.
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