Baghdad - Mahmud Othman, head of the Kurdistan Alliance in the Iraqi parliament confirmed the statement of the Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki to Rudaw that the Kurds didn’t get guarantees from the Americans reports Sharq al-Awsat.
Othman added that this could have created conflicts between Kurds and other populations in Iraq. On Sunday Maliki denied that the Americans would support the Kurdish position on article 140.
Earlier the media reported that president Obama and vice-president Biden told the Kurdish president Barzani they would support article 140 of the constitution, if the Kurds would back the Iraqi election law. In a press statement the White House declared its support for article 140 which describes a solution for the disputed territories between Baghdad and Erbil and article 142 which is about constitutional amendments.
The implementation of article 140 is one of the biggest goals of the Kurds in Iraq. The statement and news resulted in commotion among Iraqi politicians. Also other ethnic groups in Iraq wanted the same guarantees from the Americans.
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