Sunday, January 17, 2010

Letter in support of Hooshang Osei


January 17, 2010 by sks


To Whom It May Concern

Dear Sir/Madam,
RE: Hooshang Osei-a Kurdish political writer

Hooshang Osei is one of the prominent Kurdish writer, poet and journalist in Syria. He has had many articles published in newspaper and on the internet that is critical of the government of Syria. He is a well known for his political criticism in Middle East.

Ho0shang had been questioned by the security forces in Syria and was then alerted to the possibility of arrest. He then went to hiding in the middle of January 2009, after security patrols repeatedly looking for him. He was sought in connection with his political journalism.

After five months in hiding in Syria, he left Syria illegally on the 30th May 2009 to Turkey.

He is currently living in Turkey and registered with UNCHR.

Hooshang’s life is at risk in Turkey because of:

-Hooshang has a fear of returned to Syria by Turkish Authorities .Syrian authorities are preparing to arrest him as soon as he returned to Syria for his political activities. Turkey and Syria has been in discussion regarding their collaboration and combined approach to Kurdish issue, these collaborations puts Hooshang at more risk.

- Hooshang has been critical of Turkish Government for its treatment of Kurdish issue in Turkey. There is unrest in Turkey especially after closing down a political party linked to Kurds (DTP).As a result of this unrest Hooshang is vulnerable to be arrested as a high profile Kurdish political journalist.

We as a United Kurdish Community Association in NSW-Australia regard that Hooshang is at high risk in Turkey.

We ask international communities and human right organisations to help Hooshang by relocating him to a safe and secure countery. We will provide him all necessary support in Australia

Kind regards,

Mofaq Sorani
United Kurdish Association of NSW- Australia