Rudaw- Iraqi Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki, rejected reports that the Obama administration has given assurance to Kurds for the implementation of article 140 and other problems between Irbil and the central government.
In an interview with Rudaw, Nuri Al-maliki, Iraqi Prime Minister, said “The U.S. guarantee does not mean anything."
In a response to a Rudaw question, about a statement from White House in which supports the implementation of the article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution to solve the issues of the disputed areas between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Central Government in Baghda, Maliki said: “I haven’t heard anything about those promises."
“It’s not logical that a side can get an assurance from an outside (country), no matter who is the outsider if it is the U.S. or any other (country),” Maliki said.
Furthermore he stated that the Kurds are an integral part of Iraq and they like any other Iraqi people are governed by constitution, that’s why “the U.S guarantees won’t mean anything”.
Regarding Maliki statement, the head of Kurdish coalition in Iraqi Parliament reiterated that the U.S has promised support to Kurds and he confirmed those pledges is serious.
“Those supports are for the Kurds and all of it is present in the constitution and this not only for the Kurds, it’s for all Iraq” Fuad Ma’asum the head of Kurdish alliance in Baghdad said.
Meantime concerning the issue of oil contracts between KRG and Baghdad, Maliki has revealed the time has come to solve this issue.
“Right now is the time to open this issue and try to solve it in a logical and peaceful way that can protect all the rights and interests” Maliki said, in a exclusive website that is used by journalist to contact the Prime Minister.
Maliki also confirmed that regarding this matter he has spoken to KRG’s Prime Minister Barham Salih
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