Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Iran was behind the arrest of PJAK leader - By Baqi Barzani

Few days ago, German security forces arrested Haji Ahmedi, leader of the Iranian Party for a Free Life of Kurdistan, or PJAK at his residence along with two other senior members of the group in another separate operation. Scores of other Kurdish journalists and political activists were apprehended across Europe with false links to PKK. There is not a single month that some Kurdish regime critics are not executed in Iran, as well.

Nearly two weeks ago, the capture of Abdul Malik Rigi, the leader of Jundallah, a Sunni insurgent organization based in Southeastern Iran was also announced by Iranian intelligence services, on a flight from Dubai to Kyrgyzstan.

The question posed here in mind is the simultaneous arrest of two key Iranian opposition figures within a two week time interval.

According to a New York Times report in October 2007, PJAK has had "direct or indirect discussions" with American officials and Abdolrahman Haji Ahmadi, reportedly visited Washington in summer. According to reliable sources, CIA has armed and provided intelligence to PJAK.  Given these facts, the US officials were exactly aware of his whereabouts and extent of his activities. The German secrete service was monitoring Haji Ahmedi and his comrades around the clock.

In 2006 and 2008, the Iranian government officially requested the German authorities to hand over Abdolrahman Haji Ahmadi for his alleged role in killing Iranian revolutionary guards. Germany had turned down the appeal and refused to extradite him. 

Why has Haji Ahmad and his colleges been arrested now? Is this part of a secrete German-Iran treaty to improve ties?  Part of broader US efforts to seriously cope with the so-called terrorist organizations? Or... Many theories exist surrounding the mystifying arrest of PJAK leader. What is certain is it was a well-coordinated and timely operation. The arrest of Haji Ahmadi resembles very much to Abdulla Ocalans.

Almost most Iranian active oppositions groups have been targeted including the Mujahadeen-e-Khalq (MEK) in Camp Ashraf in Iraq. The behind-the-scene role of Iran in the arrest of Haji Ahmadi and other political opponents can not be denied. 

Imprisoned in an unidentified location, the fate of Haji Ahmadi remains in the hands of German authorities. 

We urge the German authorities to release more details regarding the whereabouts of Haji Ahmadi and his colleagues. We appeal to the world conscience to emancipate peace-loving and freedom-loving Kurdish leaders, journalists, intellectuals and political activists and not deport them where they could face death penalty for their political believes.