OROMIYA, Eastern Kurdistan--Despite that the Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK) since its emergence, stated that the military action is not their option, and PJAK exclusively believes that none of international and regional issue ever have been solved by use of force. Therefore, PJAK insists on democratic and peace solution to the Kurdish issue in Eastern Kurdistan. Islamic regime, however, since 1979 have used different method to impose war on Kurdish people who are struggling for self determination within the frame of democratic system in new Iran.
In a clash which took place in Dalampar and Bozi Sina in Ormiya city between the PJAK guerrillas and Iranian revolutionary guards three revolutionary guards’ colonels (Faraydon Kadkhodayee, Hujat Babayee, and Naser Pasandida) were killed, and one more revolutionary guard known as (Hujat Hassannejad) was injured.
Although the United Nation prohibits use of force against nations, ethnicities and people by states who are struggling for self determination, Iranian regime continuously breaches UNs Declarations on the principle of International law and international treaties which Islamic regime signatory to them.