Saturday, August 14, 2010

Iranian artilleries continuously bombarding qandil region.

The Defence Regions of Medya, QENDIL, Kurdistan, -- Most villages of Kurdistan have been harshly shelled by the Iranian artilleries Yesterday 12th August 2010; the first day of Ramadan.
Iranian regime bombards Kurdish villages and their land with different excuses. mainly with the excuse of there being PJAK’s guerrillas in the region. This time the villages of Soredi, Boli and Kani have been cruelly bombarded by the Iranian revolutionary guards’ artilleries. Revolutionary guards’ artillery shelling is ruthless and has destroyed almost all the villages around Qendil Mountains. This time many hectares of forests and grape gardens were burned on fire.
Villagers have deserted their homes and they are now in an extremely hard situation at an important time of the year for all Muslims - Ramadan. As a result of arbitrary shelling by the Islamic revolutionary guards, a regime, which pretends to be a just Muslim, hundreds of Kurds whom are also Muslims were evicted from their homes.
Furthermore, people from this region are all farmers and their lives depend on their animals and farms.